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Become a Member

This is a picture of man working at grocery store.

Vision & Values

Every individual with I/DD and their family should have access to information, advocacy and skills they need to participate as active citizens of their community.  We work to ensure that people with I/DD and their families have the supports they need to live an ordinary, decent, American life.

Your membership is vital to our organization and helps us to carry out our mission.

​What you get with your investment in the Arc of Missouri:

  • Become part of an organization with a long-standing history of promoting issues that affect individuals with I/DD.

  • Make a difference in the lives of thousands of Missourians.

  • Discounted fee to annual educational summit.

  • Receive regular news from our organization to stay up to date on important issues.

  • Keep people informed on I/DD and statewide advocacy issues.

In order to ensure that our cause is heard and understood at government levels ADVOCACY has to be stepped up into high gear.  Membership numbers add credence to our cause.  So now is the time to stand up and be counted and join our efforts by becoming a member of the  state/local chapter and in so doing become a member of the largest organization supporting persons with ID / DD in the US.  Your membership counts. 


Your membership can be paid using a credit card through Paypal, or print and mail the membership form with a check.

Membership Types:

  • Self-Advocate: $10

  • Individual: $20

  • Family: $35

  • Associate (businesses & agencies): $100

© 2018 Arc of Missouri. 

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