Picture of Jeff, Jason at Patty at the Arc of Missouri Summit.
This is a picture of Robin Schelp and family with Rep. Chuck Bayse.
This is a picture of a girl working at a computer.
Picture of Jeff, Jason at Patty at the Arc of Missouri Summit.
All Missouri citizens, including those with developmental disabilities, deserve the opportunity to be respected, contributing members of society
Our Mission
To support and empower persons with developmental disabilities and their families through advocacy and education, expanding individual choices and promoting community inclusion.
The Arc of Missouri is a grassroots organization working to support and empower persons with intellectual and development disabilities (I/DD) and their families through advocacy, education, expanding individual choices and promoting community inclusion.
We stand strong for the rights of individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. People with disabilities have the right to grow up with and learn among their peers, and to live in, work in, and contribute to the community we all share.
The Arc is a coalition of family members, concerned citizens, and self-advocates who share a common purpose: to support people with developmental disabilities and their families in exercising their rights and achieving their hopes and dreams.
We make an effort to assure that policies and regulations that impact the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are in the best interest of those individuals and their families.